What Critics are Saying
Furious Fun
“With a cathartic blend of light and dark and terrific score, the only disappointing part of Brokeneck Girls: The Murder Ballad Musical comes when we all have to leave.”
-John R Zeigler and Leah Richards, Thinking Theater NYC
Well Played
“The actors deliver big and lively but nuanced performances amid a story quite divorced from realism. None of it makes sense, but the human stories and themes behind all the humor and magical realism are real and clear. Crisply directed by Michael Hagins, the characters bond over shared experience in a world dominated by abusive men. Sometimes they must respond in kind, even if that means – well, generating new murder ballads. In parallel, the Brokeneck Girls show off oodles of personality and panache, with strong singing and playing, lovely vocal harmonies, and funny vamping. The songs range from Child Ballads, to American folk classics about murders and disasters, to stylish originals. Brokeneck Girls: The Murder Ballad Musical is a trenchant and wickedly chortling delight.”
-Jon Sobel, Blogcritics.com
A very powerful 90 minutes, which holds up a candle to the misogynistic and racist violence that still blights our world.
-Louise Penn, Loureviews
Pretty harmonies contrasting with smirking smiles
“…..Blackwater’s darkly humored script and director Michael Hagin’s company never cease to entertain and provide thought-provoking insight into early American culture.
-Michael Dale, Theater Pizazz
Brokeneck Girls on TV
Recently the band was featured on local NY TV! They were thrilled to be one of the few all female bands to play a full length segment - four songs and an interview!
Brokeneck Girls on Raw Music Urban Sessions